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Aug 24, 2019

Grant's First Triathlon Age 8

Grant completed his first triathlon today. He has been training for two months and it showed this morning. He overtook several riders on the bike, aced each transition, and sprinted out of the water (reverse) to FINISH STRONG!

I am such a proud parent to see him train and then race so well on his first attempt! Maybe we can race together in the future.

Congrats Grant!

Jul 30, 2019

Eight is a great time for FOAM! Grant's 8th Birthday Party

Grant decided this year he wanted a foam party for his birthday celebration. This worked out well with what the Children's Museum of Phoenix has to offer for fun birthday experiences. Since he is getting older, we have only a few more years of fun at the museum before Grant decides "it's for babies".

We had his best buds (boys only, he decided) attend and enjoy cupcakes before going wild in the foam fun outside. Grant spent some time in the cleanest mess around before moving to spraying everyone with the hose and eventually building a foam fort from the suds with three rooms for guests.

Dad went all in on this one to get pictures which meant being covered in foam with the crew while working water proof camera gear. Whew!

Happy 8th Buddy!