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Apr 20, 2014

Some Bunny Loves You...Happy Easter from Grant

Today was Grant's second Easter. We started the day with bunny pancakes made by mommy followed by an Easter egg hunt throughout the backyard. We used eggs he helped dye as well as ones with surprises inside. He looked everywhere including under the dog, Bailey. We then looked at pictures and videos from Easter last year. Happy Easter Everyone!

First Easter Egg Dying

Apr 19, 2014

Squiggy Hair

For those of you old enough to remember the Laverne & Shirley TV show, you'll also remember Squiggy and his greasy hair.  Grant does a Squiggy impression and gives Dad the raspberry.

More Gardening Gear Fun

This green wheelbarrow is a favorite when playing in the back yard.  He hauls everything from rocks and leaves to "sauce" his special concoction of water, weeds and dirt.

Gardening Attire

Grant took to the large straw hat and gardening gloves like a fish to water.  Here's to my little helper!
(This was back in October 2013.)

Late Afternoon Swing in the Park

Grant loves whooshing through the air and his laughter is infectious.