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Oct 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

For Halloween this year Grant rocked out with his mo-hawk, ripped shirt, and skull tattoos. Check out Mom and Dad's costume as well. 


Oct 25, 2012

Fun at the Farm

Grant got to experience the fun an excitement of a local farm. We was able to see some of his favorite animals up close and pick out his holiday pumpkin. It was great fun for the family. 

Oct 14, 2012

Always a Character

Grant is always finding new ways to make us laugh. Here he is walking around with pants on his head.

Thanks Buddy!

Oct 7, 2012

Hallelujah Pork!

Family fun around the dinner table!

He Loves to Color

Grant got to color for the first time and he loved it!  (He's coloring on old Wells Fargo print outs like I used to color on old BLM print outs.)  He did try to taste test the crayons a couple times, but making marks and dots on the paper was definitely the highlight.

Playing with sticky tape is a current fave.  He wins by finally getting it to stick to the table and not his hands.  Love those dimples!!

Danger Boo

Grant has had so much fun with ripping out pages of catalogs and playing in them like they're leaves.  They're tricky though, 'cause they're slippery.  (I guess this is a sign that he's a true Phoenician - playing in paper since we don't have fall, or leaves.)

And here's a fun bonus video of Grant learning how to wink. (Yep, the drool mark on his onesie is because he's cutting 4 teeth at once.)